
Ultimate Property Success Bundle

Original price was: £36,000.00.Current price is: £5,997.00.

3 Courses Bundle

    • Property Sourcing Online Course
    • Off-Plan Property Online Course
    • Rent To Rent Online Course
    • Unique Login Access
    • Time-Efficient Learning
    • At-Your-Own-Pace (modules/lessons unlock & open as you complete them / subject to your payment/privileges)
    • 12 Monthly Live Sessions (Q&A + Spotlight Topic) = 90 minutes once a month online for 12 months
    • Paid-for Pass to Annual Networking Summit (sourcers, students, investors and partners meet)
    • Referral Bonus for Affiliates (get rewarded for growing our community of like-minded individuals. Earn money on any ticket sales, mentorships that you refer to us)
    • Processes, Scripts, Contracts, Templates, Spreadsheets, Checklists
    • 12-month Dedicated Support (email your query to a dedicated email address and we will respond via email, text, phonecall, online meeting, point you in the right direction)
    • A Kingsriver email address to use whilst you get your own compliance (subject to payment/privileges)
    • A Letter of Authority stating you are an Approved Kingsriver Sourcer (subject to payment/privileges)
    • Proof of Funds to offer on our behalf (subject to payment/privileges)
    • Joint-venture & Angel-Investor Unlocked (split fees)
    • Advertise and sell our agreed properties to your buyers
    • – Market your approved properties to our database of 302,000+ investors
    • – Find properties and sites for us to buy/secure
    • 100% No-Squabble Money Back Guarantee (complete all the tasks & if you don’t make at least 1 sourcing fee, write in to claim all your course money back)

3 Courses Bundle

    • Property Sourcing Course
    • Off-Plan Property Course
    • Rent To Rent Online Course
    • Unique Login Access
    • Time-Efficient Learning
    • At-Your-Own-Pace (modules/lessons unlock & open as you complete them / subject to your payment/privileges)
    • 12 Monthly Live Sessions (Q&A + Spotlight Topic) = 90 minutes once a month online for 12 months
    • Paid-for Pass to Annual Networking Summit (sourcers, students, investors and partners meet)
    • Referral Bonus for Affiliates (get rewarded for growing our community of like-minded individuals. Earn money on any ticket sales, mentorships that you refer to us)
    • Processes, Scripts, Contracts, Templates, Spreadsheets, Checklists
    • 12-month Dedicated Support (email your query to a dedicated email address and we will respond via email, text, phonecall, online meeting, point you in the right direction)
    • A Kingsriver email address to use whilst you get your own compliance (subject to payment/privileges)
    • A Letter of Authority stating you are an Approved Kingsriver Sourcer (subject to payment/privileges)
    • Proof of Funds to offer on our behalf (subject to payment/privileges)
    • Joint-venture & Angel-Investor Unlocked (split fees)
    • Advertise and sell our agreed properties to your buyers
    • – Market your approved properties to our database of 302,000+ investors
    • – Find properties and sites for us to buy/secure
    • 100% No-Squabble Money Back Guarantee (complete all the tasks & if you don’t make at least 1 sourcing fee, write in to claim all your course money back)
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